Kids & Youth

Please help us maintain the safety of your children by downloading, completing and returning a family registration form.

Click the button below for upcoming events for children, youth, and families including confirmation, mission trips, or special programs.

Bring the kids! Sunday school is offered every Sunday during worship.

  • Ages 2 and under in Nursery
  • Preschool ages 3 and 4 (potty trained) in Noah’s Ark
  • K-2nd grade in Garden of Eden Room
  • 3rd-5th grade in Youth Room downstairs


For more information on our Children’s Ministry, please contact Julie White at

All middle school and high school students are invited to participate in Berkley First’s Youth Group, which gathers every Sundays from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Each gathering includes a fun activity, a time of prayer, and a discussion around a Bible topic that applies to everyday life.  

For more information on youth group and confirmation, contact Brian White at