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Fantasy Football for Missions
It’s time again for Fantasy Football for Missions! The NFL season kicks off on Thursday September 5th, so make sure to sign up now for this year’s competition. The needs of our partners in Missions are greater than ever, and nothing’s better than helping others while having fun at the same time. A $30 donation is ALL that is required, as everything else (including team drafting and lineup management) can be done automatically for you if that is your preference.
Most importantly, the full 100% of proceeds goes directly to Birmingham and Berkley First missions teams to help them help others in this critical time of need.
Live Draft in the CLC – Sunday, August 25th from 7-9 PM
There will be a sign-up table in the fellowship hall after the service on these dates:
Sunday August 18
Sunday August 25
Sunday, September 1
Last year, Dan Cragnolin won the FF4M championship and claimed the Pettibone Trophy while becoming our first two-time champion
Will it be YOU this year?
Email Mark Adams at adams400@aol.com today to get signed up.